Ho vissuto un’esperienza unica! La Global Summer School mi ha dato l’opportunità di interagire e discutere di Intelligenza Artificiale (in orari assurdi a causa del…
DEMOCRACY AND TECHNOLOGY: A CONVERSATION WITH A SCIENTIST (on YouTube) The webinar was dedicated to democracy and how it may be threatened by digital tools.…
Session “Minorities and immigration”, 16/07/2022 This is the abstract of my paper. “Children and digital rights effectiveness. Considerations on the right to internet access” This…
Supranational Democracy Dialogue 2020 My paper on “Internet Governance”
SEMINARIO 21 novembre 2018, ore 11.30 Aula R13 – Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche Link Unisalento Introduce: Prof.ssa Sara Tommasi – Cattedra di Diritto dei consumatori…